Thursday, December 6, 2007

Shining Bansko

The municipality and the citizens of Bansko ski resort will polish the city for the opening of the new winter season in the middle of December.

The people from Bansko will clean streets, pavements, green areas from rubbish. This is municipality initiative, which aims to transform Bansko in a cozy place for tourists.
The resort won't be in dust and dirt. Local people already used to the idea they should work harder for one more friendly image of the resort, shared Aleksander Kravarov, mayor of the city for second mandate.
He promised there won't be any problems and also reminded that the resort expects 1 million tourists for season '07-'08.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Irish owned real estate ready for crash in Portugal
News Type: Event — Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:59 AM EST

Yesterday boxing day the owners of Oceanico developements in Portugal where summoned to appear before the local courts , concerning the close knit relationship with another irish held company Kendar Properties , it is believed by the relevant authorities that the Oceanico and kendar owners had set up a cartel of Price fixing and a very complex financial structure where several mortgages where given on the same piece of land , the owner of Kendar Properties has absconded bail and is actively being sought by the Irish authorities , the local courts have been given authorisation to investigate Oceanico developements in Portugal , given that the loans where granted by Irish banks , this is a very worrying situation for all the future buyers of real estate in Portugal given the size and nature of the fraud relating already to Kendar Properties .

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